Ludimoodle, an increasingly innovative approach

Pimenko, pioneer of Open Source LMS platforms, is committed to pedagogical innovation by developing LudiMoodle+, a course format plugin for your OpenSource LMS that integrates adaptive gamification to improve learner motivation and performance.

What is adaptive gamification?

Adaptive gamification involves offering learners game elements that match their individual preferences, to maintain and increase their motivation to learn.

The project’s scientific research shows that integrating games into a course does not necessarily improve motivation, and may even have the opposite effect! It’s essential to take into account the different needs of different learner profiles: adaptive gamification is the answer to this challenge.

Using algorithms or different ways of assigning game elements, LudiMoodle+ offers personalized game elements to enhance motivation and success.

LudiMoodle+: an innovative OpenSource LMS plugin

LudiMoodle+ is a Moodle course format that enables teachers and trainers to easily integrate game elements into their courses and personalize the learning experience for each student. The plugin offers :

  • A variety of game elements adapted to each learner's profile

    Add badges, points, leaderboards, levels, challenges, rewards and much more to make your courses more interactive and stimulating. But that’s not the point!
    The adaptive gamification approach makes it possible to offer learners motivational mechanics in line with their individual preferences, so as to maintain or even increase their motivation to learn.

  • Monitoring and analysis tools

    Track your learners’ progress, measure the impact of gamification on their engagement and analyze the data.

  • Seamless integration with your OpenSource LMS

    LudiMoodle+ is easy to install and use on your existing Moodle LMS platform. Customize your courses in just a few clicks, and benefit from an intuitive interface designed with and for teachers.


Key features

  • Installation et hébergement plateforme Moodle sécurisée

    Customize game elements according to learner profile

    Use the 6 game elements available: avatar, timer, progression, score, badges, ranking

  • Développement de plugins Moodle sur mesure par Pimenko

    Different ways of allocating game elements

    Choose how the game elements can be assigned to learners in different ways:

    • via an algorithm to adapt to learners’ profiles,
    • at course level by the teacher
    • or at section level by the teacher.
  • Audit de qualité et performance pour plateforme Moodle

    Graphic designs adapted to different audiences

    Inform learners of their progress and rewards to keep them motivated, with different designs for different audiences. Design for middle school students is different from design for adults.

  • Analytics et rapports personnalisés pour Moodle

    Reports and statistics

    Analyze LudiMoodle+ usage data and track the impact of gamification on learner engagement and success.

A collaborative research project

LudiMoodle+ is the fruit of a collaborative research project led by the ComUE Université de Lyon. The various partners are :

  • The scientific and research component supported by the LIRIS laboratory (CNRS) and the ECP laboratory (Université Lyon 2)
  • Pimenko’s technological component, with the development of the plugin
  • The training component of Lyon 3 University’s PAPN program
  • The Rectorat de l’Académie de Lyon, which ran the project in 24 middle schools in the region, involving 2,000 students.

Project objectives

  • Deepen knowledge of the impact of adaptive gamification on student motivation, engagement and success.
  • Develop a high-performance, accessible Moodle plugin that meets the needs of teachers and learners.
  • Create a M@gistère training course to support teachers in implementing adaptive gamification.

About the project

The LudiMoodle + project, led by the ComUE Université de Lyon, is the winner of the “Support for the deployment of e-FRAN projects” call for projects launched by the French National Research Agency as part of France 2030.
Conducted over a two-year period, it aims to improve learning performance and academic success through the development of fun resources tailored to students. The project consortium includes the ACADEMIE DE LYON RECTORAT, the LIRIS IT laboratory (CNRS and INSA Lyon), the Pôle d’Accompagnement à la Pédagogie Numérique (Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3), the ECP education sciences laboratory (Université Lumière Lyon 2) and PIMENKO, a Lyon-based company specializing in Moodle LMS platforms.

The LudiMoodle+ project, led by the University of Lyon, has been awarded government funding under the France 2030 program, managed by the French National Research Agency (ANR-22-FRAN-0005).

Improve learner engagement with LudiMoodle! Discover all the plugin’s features.

Discover Ludimoodle

We Answer Your Questions

How does Ludimoodle adapt to different learners?

The plugin uses a questionnaire to identify the play profile of each learner. An algorithm then analyzes these responses to automatically assign the most appropriate game elements, creating a personalized learning experience.

What are the main benefits for teachers and trainers?

Teachers and trainers can easily customize game elements for each section of their course, track learner progress with reports and benefit from improved student participation. This enables them to improve learner motivation and performance, as research has shown.

Is the plugin difficult to install and use?

No, Ludimoodle is designed to be easy to install and use. It integrates seamlessly with Moodle and is compatible with versions 4.1 and higher. Once installed, teachers can quickly configure their course with intuitive options.

Is the plugin available in several languages?

Yes, Ludimoodle supports several languages. It is currently available in English and French, with the possibility of adding further translations in the future to meet the needs of an international audience.