Strengthening environmental jurisprudence: LMS platform course on Biodiversity for magistrates
To strengthen the understanding and application of environmental law, Pimenko has collaborated with the Ligue de Protection des Oiseaux (LPO) and the École Nationale de la Magistrature to design an online course on biodiversity, specially adapted for magistrates. This online course is designed to equip legal professionals with the tools they need to master the complexities of environmental cases, and to make them aware of the legal instruments available to punish infringements of biodiversity.
This online course places particular emphasis on biodiversity-related regulations and case law, preparing magistrates to make informed decisions. The objectives of the course are to enable participants to grasp the causes and challenges of biodiversity, recognize the key players and reference texts, and draw inspiration from best practices to improve their judicial approach.
The LMS platform in pictures
Our added value
Adapted teaching expertise
Based on the content provided by the experts, we have developed tailor-made content to meet the day-to-day challenges faced by magistrates. This customization ensures that each course session is relevant, practical and immediately applicable. It mobilizes a variety of media and pedagogical approaches adapted to the training scenario.
Specialized learning technologies
The effectiveness of a training course depends not only on the quality of the content delivered, but also on the way in which this content is rigorously transformed using digital e-learning tools.
Our approach ensures that each participant gets the most out of the training by using tools adapted to the professional sector and the different learning profiles of the participants.
Full technical and pedagogical support
To ensure an enriching and effective learning experience, the course incorporates specialized pedagogical tools that facilitate interaction and engagement. These resources include real-life situations, interactive content and formative assessments designed to reinforce understanding of complex legal concepts.
These methods, which focus on the transfer of knowledge into professional situations, are essential if magistrates are to apply environmental law effectively in their day-to-day work.
training sequences (including introduction and conclusion)
training hours
+ 40
media products for training
Need our instructional designers or our e-learning studio to create your course for your LMS platform (MOOC, SCORM e-learning module, other platform-based courses)? Please contact us.