Legal information

Company Information:

Name: Pimenko, SARL – Capital: 9,070 euros
Registered office: 11 rue de l’Annonciade, 69001 Lyon, FRANCE
Contact :

Website Development and Maintenance:

Limited Liability Company with a capital of 9,070 euros
Registered office: 11 rue de l’Annonciade, 69001 Lyon
Phone: +33 4 78 30 17 78

Hosting Provider:
GANDI SAS Simplified joint-stock company with a capital of 800,000 € – RCS Paris 423 093 459
Registered office: 63-65 boulevard Masséna, Paris (75013) FRANCE
Phone: +33 1 70 37 76 61

Publication Director:
Clément Prudhomme

Copyright Notice:
In accordance with the French Intellectual Property Code and, more generally, international treaties and agreements containing provisions relating to the protection of copyrights, you are prohibited from reproducing for any use other than private use, as well as selling, distributing, broadcasting, adapting, modifying, publishing, or communicating in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, the data, presentation or organization of the site without the prior written authorization of